
Keeping Your Child Cool In the Summer Sun

While summertime comes with tons of fun, free time, and time in the sun, the heat can be hazardous to your young child. Summer brings on high temperatures and harmful UV indexes that can result in your child overheating. Our exprerienced daycare Greenville caretakers are sharing the best ways to keep your child cool and protected from the rising temperatures. Read on to learn how to keep your child safe during their playtime!


Although it’s essential to regulate your child’s fluid intake at all times of the year, it’s even more important to make sure that your child is getting the correct hydration levels during the summer months. Childcare Greenville NC experts recommend being lenient with your little ones who are still breastfeeding or weaning from breastmilk during the summer months. It is not uncommon that your child may want more milk on hot days. As an alternative, daycare Greenville professionals suggest offering cooled boiled water during mealtimes to encourage increased fluid intake. For toddlers and older children, continue to regulate their water intake and make sure that they are getting plenty of fluids throughout the day!

Keep Cold Compresses Handy

If you are anticipating being in the heat for an extended period of time, prepare yourself for the trip. Having a cold compress is a summer must-have for parents with young children. Daycares in Greenville NC recommend compresses such as the Frogg Togg, which traps cool moisture into a sponge towel material for hours of use. Alternatively, wrapping a few ice cubes in a flannel cloth or small hand towel will work just fine for keeping your child cool on extra hot days.

Take Advantage of the Local Pool

What’s summer without a pool trip? Taking your children to the local pool is a great way to allow your child to socialize, build upon their swimming skills, and keep cool while enjoying the summer sun. Childcare Greenville NC centers such as Children’s World recommend enrolling your children in swimming lessons. Not only is this an efficient way to teach your child safety skills in the water, but it also allows your child to meet new children and create friendships during the summer months while away from daycares in Greenville NC!

Children’s World | Childcare Greenville NC Specialists

At Children’s World, we aim to ensure your child’s safety both inside our daycare Greenville doors and beyond. Children’s World promotes engagement and active learning all within a nurturing environment. To learn more about our Childcare Greenville NC center, please visit our website to learn about our programs and curriculums!


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